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Do you know what Barcina is?, Hotel Playa Mazatlán

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Hotel Playa Mazatlán Do you know what Barcina is?

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Do you know what Barcina is?

October 03 2023
“La barcina” is a cultural legacy of the municipality of Escuinapa, Sinaloa whose origin comes from the Totorame culture, an indigenous community that inhabited the south of our state and that for many years its main economic contribution was based on shrimp.

It is for this reason and due to its economic and cultural importance our ancestors created “la barcina” which is a container made by hand from palm cojollo, blanket canvas and denequen, which is nothing more than rope. with which it is woven. Its size varies depending on the amount of shrimp you want to store.

A one kilo barcina takes approximately two to three hours to make. The first thing that is required is to put the shrimp (dried) inside a blanket bag, and then line it with your palm, since this is what preserves the shrimp. the shrimp in good condition, and later weaving begins with the rope; This entire process is done by hand, and something important to highlight is that it does not involve any chemistry for conservation.

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